Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DC memorials you might have missed

I thought I would share some pictures of Washington DC monuments you might not have been aware of. While the Capitol is full of monuments and displays some just mean a little more than others. I hope you enjoy these pictures.This is the Pentagon Memorial to the 9-11 victims. There is a bench dedicated to each victim, the ones who were killed inside the building have the benches facing the Pentagon while those on the airplane face away from the building in the direction of the plane. They are arranged from oldest to youngest and is a very quiet and somber place, especially odd when it is right next to the worlds largest office building. It is the most respected place for anyone who works in the Pentagon, you will never see a bit of trash here, too many people walk here everyday.

I wanted to show this picture in particular, this is the monument of the youngest victim, Dana Falkenberg, just 3 years old. It is not possible to walk by this bench with dry eyes. Look out across the memorial grounds it is a long distance between the few kids and the rest of the adults.
This is the Air Force Memorial, not as quiet or understated as the rest, but pretty to look at. I was not impressed since it was designed by and for pilots. There are a lot more to the AF than pilots. Now one you all recognize. This is the USMC Iwo Jima memorial, look how big it is. See the little people on the right. It is really neat, quiet, and nicely surrounded by a park.

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